Writing is Good… Try…

Aykut Gül
2 min readJul 13, 2023

Writing… Opening one’s heart and mind like a window to the outside world… Fresh air and sun filtering through this window…

Sometimes you write to control your emotions and relax.

Sometimes you write to solve the confusion in your mind, think analytically and find a way out.

Sometimes you write to overflow after you are full, to share what you know.

Sometimes you get paid in return, you get benefits from what you write.

Sometimes you write to improve your concentration to work on a boring project.

Sometimes the content of your article is a scientific article. Heavy, boring and stereotypical expressions… Knowing that they will not be read much. Don’t let hundreds of thousands of references fool you…

But there is one thing you are sure of… The more you write, the more you write… It becomes an addiction. However, it is not a harmful addiction like caffeine or dopamine addiction. More like oxytocin. You know, the happiness and relaxation you feel when you’re together with friends… Exactly…

The most boring ones are the ones that are written out of necessity or work… The ones that are soulless, ordinary and you have to keep a certain number of letters…

The most enjoyable one is the ones you write just for yourself or your friends… Without the word limit… Like Medium articles… What you write can be a few hundred or a few thousand words… The more it flows, the more…

You only publish a small number of such articles. You see the rest as a very special mirror of your own inner world and do not share it with anyone. Should they also be shared under a pseudonym? Anonymous, nickname or pseudonym in today’s terms… A difficult decision…

But in any case, one must write. Because words fly, writing remains.

Write to understand yourself. Write to be understood. Write to get to know yourself, introduce yourself, express yourself.

Sometimes the desire to write comes suddenly and is too much… You don’t have a computer or pen and paper with you. You open your mobile phone, write and publish in 20–25 minutes. You’ll be glad you use your mobile phone for productivity. This article is one such article…

You don’t have to be a writer to write… Just keep writing… by hand or by keyboard…

What’s the point of being stuffed if you’re not going to carry it and benefit?

“If you’re overthinking, write. If you’re underthinking, read.” — Mike Crittenden

Aykut GÜL

Note: This is the English version of my Medium article titled “Yazmak İyidir… Deneyin…” and published on Dec 10, 2022.



Aykut Gül

productivity | informatics | learning | agricultural economics | tarım ekonomisi | strateji | eğitim | verimlilik | bilişim | kariyer | kişisel gelişim