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Stories Untold

New stories make life meaningful

Aykut Gül
2 min readApr 13, 2024


“There is no greater suffering than carrying an untold story inside you,” says American writer and activist Maya Angelou.

Of course, we all have a story. So, do we each have special friends to whom we can tell our stories and who will listen to us?

On the first day of the Eid, I’m sure the stories we carry inside us will become stronger and we will need someone to tell them more.

Loneliness and being isolated make you feel more at times like these…

Many people only get dry messages, a quick phone call if they’re lucky.

Yes, Maya Angelou’s quote tells us that the stories hidden within us will turn into a heavy burden over time, and the pain of not being able to share them is indescribable.

These stories mostly consist of painful memories and the negative emotions they cause us.

Most of us are depressed because we cannot share these stories.

In fact, perhaps the best holiday gift is to listen to a friend’s story. Listening to his troubles…

Maybe we won’t be able to do much to solve it. But listening will often ease that great pain. Especially when heart is against heart…

If you still can’t find a friend who will listen to you, I guess there is another good way out: Writing.

Yes, writing, putting your story on paper, is like telling it to a friend. Write, get rid of your burdens.

F. Scott Fitzgerald says, “You don’t write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say.” When you have something to say, it is your story.

It’s even more effective if you publish and share what you write. You will receive feedback. This interaction will definitely be good for you and your readers.

You’ll be amazed at how many people have similar experiences to you.

Writing is good. While Anne Frank said, “When I write, I can shake everything off, my sorrows disappear, and my courage is reborn,” William Wordsworth makes the wonderful observation, “Writing is putting the breathing of the heart on paper.”

So, writing paves the way for having new stories. New stories make life meaningful.

I hope that this festival (the Eid) will lead to new stories…

Aykut GÜL

Note: This article is the English adapted version of my previously published Medium story titled “Anlatılmamış Hikayeler” on Apr 11, 2024.



Aykut Gül

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