One True Friend…

Aykut Gül
2 min readApr 28, 2023

James Pennebaker said, “Putting your troubles, your inner world on a piece of paper will alleviate your distress. If you can’t find a person to sigh, take a piece of paper and a pen and write.” I usually follow the advice and see the positive result right away.

I publish most of what I write and share with my readers. However, some of them I never share… They are just introspection, only conversing with my pen.

The pandemic, economic troubles and the latest earthquake disaster have weakened our social relations. Worse still, true friendships dwindled. There is hardly anyone left to share your troubles with.

Even with your closest friends, your conversations did not go beyond asking questions. Your relations with friends, with whom you have faced many difficulties together in the past, and with whom you have been sleep deprived for the same reasons, have turned into “let it be customary” greetings.

Did the conditions require it? Were your friendships already artificial? Was it a partnership of destiny until it came to a place? How could everything change so quickly? Maybe not enough effort was put into it…

Then you realize that your only friend is Allah and His friends… Without interest, without hope, without expectation… The only one with whom you can share your sadness is Rahman — the Most Merciful — (cc)…

The only good thing about this process is getting closer and closer to Him. Sharing your troubles, sorrows, silently, only with Him… In the silence of the night, presenting your every secret, every mistake and every joy to Him alone…

As I write this, I understand better that this process of disasters has opened a very positive door… To advance friendship with the only true friend… To understand the weakness, disloyalty and selfishness of the mortals, and to reset the expectation…

“Putting your inner world on paper”, as Pennebaker speaks of, not only alleviates your troubles, but also helps you analyze yourself and discover what you cannot find by thinking.

Then writing is the best medicine… Even if you don’t share everything you write…

Aykut GUL



Aykut Gül

productivity | informatics | learning | agricultural economics | tarım ekonomisi | strateji | eğitim | verimlilik | bilişim | kariyer | kişisel gelişim