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Life is Short — A Quick Recovery Needed

Confidence crisis, test of sincerity and friendship can be overwhelming. Your productivity decreases, your inquiries increase…

Aykut Gül
3 min readMay 18, 2022


“Anger and hatred blind the eyes that see the truth. Anger constricts good thinking and misleads.” —Haji Bayram Veli

The above statement from Master Ahmet Cemal Ayvacı was a warning about the necessity of a quick recovery.

The rage, grudge and anger inherent in human beings… We will experience these feelings as long as we are alive. Especially in these emotional situations, it is necessary to avoid making very important decisions and to prevent future regrets.

The important thing is to find ways to get rid of these feelings without losing our control. I would like to share my own solutions in six items:


Of course, we mean to take refuge in Allah. Getting closer to Him (cc) with prostration and bowing. To know that He is the only power to take refuge. And reading… His book… Opening one’s hand and presenting his weakness, accepting his test and only asking for help from Him. Prophet Yusuf (as) “I seek refuge in Allah” (Yusuf, 23) with the appeal…


I think it’s the most effective tool. As Razi said, “There is no better cure for man than preoccupation.” As soon as you concentrate, you can see that your mind is empty and you are getting rid of the rumination in your mind. Abdulkadir Geylani (ks) “My God, keep us busy with yourself!” The prayer warns us about how to be busy.


It is a powerful tool with a double effect, as it also requires being busy in a way. That’s why I write every day these days. In fact, some days I complete 2–3 articles. However, in order not to overwhelm my readers, I wait sometime before publishing. Writing feels really good. “I write to be understood as well as to understand.” then Elie Wiesel puts the purpose and expected benefit in writing very well.


You can include any type of sharing. The weekly “Adana Meetings” last night were extremely sincere and productive. Socialize, generate ideas, discuss, take notes and share all your mental products. Eating together, mentoring, engaging in civil society activities. Even if sharing is giving, it will eventually return you to yourself. “Not speaking the same language, share the same feelings who may agree.” said Hz. How accurate is Mevlana’s determination.


Simply walking, doing sports or sweating with a physical activity is very relaxing. With the excreted toxins, there is no trace of your anger. “Walking was a form of wanting to get away.” The word can also be understood as getting away from all unwanted emotions, especially anger.


A cup of Turkish coffee with a friend is enough to change your mood. The phrase “The heart does not want coffee, nor the coffee house — The heart wants a conversation or coffee is an excuse” reveals what the purpose is.

“Start each day with intention for beauty… Think ‘Good things will happen today’. Because wishes are prayers. Prayers come true…” — Anonymous

Aykut GÜL

Note: This is the English version of the article titled “Ömür Kısa — Hızlıca Toparlanmalı İnsan” published on Medium by Aykut GÜL.



Aykut Gül

productivity | informatics | learning | agricultural economics | tarım ekonomisi | strateji | eğitim | verimlilik | bilişim | kariyer | kişisel gelişim