Foto: Joe Pearson / Unsplash

If You Want to Lighten Up, Forgive

When you forgive, Rahman (cc) will also forgive you…

Aykut Gül
2 min readJan 25, 2024


Life is short… A person should forgive everyone and everything… But first of all himself…

Everyone is very angry these days. Disasters coming one after the other… Turning everything upside down. Especially human relationships…

The basis of anger lies in the fact that the person cannot get out of the vicious circle he has fallen into, cannot find answers to his questions, and eventually harms himself and those around him with increasing anger.

You can’t get answers to everything in life. However, as Tolstoy said, “When you die, you will know everything and you will not ask questions anymore.” So why wait until the last breath? Maybe we spend our short lives unhappy, restless and full of anger in order to find answers that have no meaning…

It is good to forgive.

Forgiveness brings relief.

Forgiveness eases.

Forgiveness liberates the forgiven, paves the way, in this sense it is a great favor… Forgiveness is the best way to reset everything. Forgiveness is definitely not defeat… On the contrary, it can be considered victory…

If the issue is revenge and it cannot be prevented, listen to Seneca: “Forgiving and forgetting is only the revenge of good people.”

One must understand that everything happens for a reason. We just play the role given to us on stage. If we can improvise once in a while (you can call it a little free will), we add color to the game and reveal our difference.

Forgiveness means putting an end to a sentence that cannot be collected and continuing writing.

Being stuck means standing still, or even regressing…

Forgive, move forward…

Being late in forgiving brings regret and greater collapse. Imagine for a moment that the person you cannot forgive is on his deathbed… Wouldn’t you forgive a thousand times at that moment?

In fact, the main reason why people cannot forgive is; not being able to face it, not being able to come to terms with it… If possible, face it, pour out your heart… Vomit out your anger… But then close the notebook never to open it again…

“Fools neither forgive nor forget, the naive forgive and forget, the wise forgive; But he never forgets.” — Thomas Szasz

To forgive is to get rid of arrogance. It is humility.

When you forgive, Rahman (cc) will also forgive you…

Doesn’t He (cc) command: “Take the path of forgiveness…” (A’raf, 199)?

When you forgive, you will immediately realize… Your heart and mind have become clear, you have started to think clearly again and love everything created…

Aykut GÜL

Note: This is the English version of my previously published Medium article titled “Hafiflemek İstiyorsanız Affedin”.



Aykut Gül

productivity | informatics | learning | agricultural economics | tarım ekonomisi | strateji | eğitim | verimlilik | bilişim | kariyer | kişisel gelişim